Let 'em munch on a HEALTHY lunch!

For the moms, dads, grandparents, and any other person who may look forward to the weekend simply because you don't have to make + pack lunches on Saturdays and Sundays -- this one is for you!

Life is busy & making lunches is cumbersome, we get it.  But a healthy and nutritious diet in the early years is so, SO important!  Each week we will roll out a new post that spotlights easy, realistic, and healthy lunch ideas that your kiddo will look forward to eating at school!  

This week - BENTO BOXES!  And don't worry - you don't have to get the name brand BentoBox.  Anything with little compartments will do -- it helps to create a balanced meal as it sort of forces you to add different ingredients AND kids love when their food is presented in a compartmentalized way (for some reason)!

To create the box, aim to include a minimum of three different colors where each contains its own unique set of phytonutrients. Eat the rainbow colors to reap the health benefits of plant-based nutrition.

Compartment #1: Fruits and/or vegetables
Compartment #2: Protein (beans, meat, poultry, fish, dairy product, tofu, tempeh, etc.)
Compartment #3: Carbohydrate (whole wheat bread/tortilla, brown rice, potato, corn, green peas)
